Feed & Lab — Accurate and modern laboratory research

We offer highly accurate and modern research for all branches of livestock and poultry farming. Feed&Lab is your reliable partner in feed analysis and diagnostics, based on advanced methods and equipment.

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About Feed & Lab

FEED & LAB was founded in 2021 as a commercial laboratory. The purpose of creating the laboratory is to conduct laboratory research using modern methods.
The laboratory is equipped with the latest equipment for research and uses test systems and reagents from leading global manufacturers. Our laboratory offers its clients a range of various services for all sectors of animal husbandry (pig farming, cattle farming, etc.) and poultry farming.

Our laboratory cooperates with Dairyland Laboratories, one of the leading agricultural testing laboratories in the United States.

We always try to keep up with the latest trends in scientific developments and apply them in practice. The laboratory is constantly expanding the range of studies, purchasing modern equipment and test systems. In order to be competitive in the market, we are optimizing the cost and timing of studies. Along with the quality of research, the laboratory’s priority is also the professionalism of its employees, which is achieved through continuous improvement of their qualifications and mastering the latest research technologies.

Our services

Feed&Lab provides a wide range of laboratory tests designed to meet the needs of modern livestock and poultry farming. We offer feed analysis for nutritional value, mycotoxin determination, feed digestibility analysis and much more.

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NIR analysis

(near infrared): results in 2 days

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Physicochemical method

Dry matter - 2 days
Crude ash - 2 days
Determination of chlorides - 2 days
Determination of pH in liquids - 2 days

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Анализ на микотоксины

Mycotoxin analysis

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Planned research

Heavy metals (Cadmium, Arsenic, Mercury, Lead) — beginning of September Micro-macro elements (Se, Cu, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Mn, Cr, Co) — end of September Nitrates and nitrites — October-November

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Compliance with all parameters, precision manufacturing and ease of use

Feed&Food presents the Quad BOX, an original replica of the 2013 PSPS feed particle separator, also known as the Pennsylvania Sieve. This instrument is ideal for quantitative particle size determination in forages and mixed rations. It helps manage feed particle size and distribution according to parameters developed by the Pennsylvania Department of Animal Science, USA.

Characteristics and operating conditions:
  • Material: PPB block copolymer, resistant to aggressive environments, low temperatures and abrasive effects.
  • Strength: The product withstands permissible operational loads on impact, bending and vibration.
  • Temperature range: From -20 to +50 °C, which ensures constant measurement accuracy.
  • Sterilization: Possibility of steam sterilization at a temperature of 120-140 °C.
  • Weight: of the product: 5.3 kg ±100 g.
Dimensions table of the Quad BOX kit:
  • Sieve 1: Cell size – 19 mm, Bottom thickness – 12.2 mm
  • Sieve 2: Cell size – 8 mm, Bottom thickness – 6.4 mm
  • Sieve 3: Cell size – 4 mm, Bottom thickness – 4 mm
  • Tray: Cell size – 0 mm, Bottom thickness – 4 mm

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Indicator (litmus) paper pHSCAN 5.4-10.

  •  Suitable for urine, saliva and water
  • Scale with a basic step of 0.1-0.4
  • High contrast and measurement accuracy
    Description: pHSCAN paper test strips have a number of advantages that ensure ease and convenience of use, as well as a more accurate result.
  • Individual calibration: Each lot of paper is individually calibrated for various liquids, such as urine, saliva, water and milk.
  • Fine step: A scale with a step of 0.1-0.4 and high contrast allow you to track even the smallest pH fluctuations.
  • Additional scales: The ability to order scales for measuring the pH of water and milk, which makes the purchase more economical.
  • High accuracy: Individual calibration and high contrast provide accuracy comparable to the readings of an inexpensive pH meter

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Feed & Lab — Accurate and modern laboratory research

