Calceton – Feed concentrate for highly productive cows

  • The Calceton feed concentrate contains two sources of organic calcium with different ionization rates, which ensures a uniform flow of this element from the concentrate into the blood of cows.
  • Contains no more than 3.5% calcium from inorganic forms and 16% in the form of organic salts with high bioavailability.
  • Easily ionizable calcium and high vitamin D3 content ensure reliable absorption of this mineral in the intestines, maintaining normal blood calcium levels at the very beginning of lactation.
  • The use of the concentrate minimizes the number of cases of hypocalcemia in cows, preventing maternity paresis, postpartum retention, decreased immunity, retained placenta, endometritis and mastitis.
  • Reduces costs for veterinary care of cows and non-technological disposal of animals.

Application consultation

  • Description
  • Details
  • Application, input standards

Calcetone is a highly effective blend of organic sources of available calcium, vitamins and minerals. Calcetone is designed for use in the diets of fresh cows at the very beginning of lactation and is intended for the prevention of hypocalcemia and maternity paresis. It is distinguished by its high calcium content, derived from several organic salts with minimal input of inorganic sources of this mineral.


Organic calcium salts, inorganic sources of magnesium, potassium and calcium, vitamin D, flavoring.

Shelf life:

12 months from date of manufacture.

Calceton feed concentrate is fed to fresh cows during the transit period (0-21 days). Calcetone must be introduced into the diet immediately after calving of cows in the amount of 300-350 g per head per day.

If possible, feed concentrate can be used as early as two to three days before the cow calving.

We offer a convenient, reliable and environmentally friendly solution for your animals

